
Gether is co-founded by
Claire Waring & Elly Bartens

Both dedicated professionals and mums who understand the relentless balancing act between work and home life.

Claire has 20+ years marketing experience across Australia, Asia and Europe as a senior leader of creative and product teams. Award-winning Executive Creative Director, B&T top 10 creatives in Australia 2023, Cannes Lions inaugural gaming jury, speaker, advocate for women & mum of two.

Elly has10+ years start up experience building data analytics teams and martech products. Co-Founder of Tribes.AI (SaaS) and GM of Datalicious - built to 50 people, $10M+ consultancy with successful Equifax exit. AMES Award for Analytics Innovation with Telstra, Co-Published Whitepapers with EConsultancy & Meta. Mum of two.

What is mental load?

The thinking, organising, planning, management, emotional work that underpins all of the aspects of family life, household life, everything related to our children.

Elyse McNeil - Clinical Psychologist

NYTimes in 2019 proposed women should go on strike to equalise mental load. We love that but it also made us wonder… where is the tech? We have apps to help us turn on a TV but nothing to help manage family mental load?!

Every day we are bombarded with emails and messages about dentists, school, football & birthday parties. We cram our calendars, scrawl to-do lists on envelopes, and frantically text our partners about pick-ups. What we need is a tool to make our lives at home simpler, and so we’re creating a solution to help parents manage the chaos.

And so we created Gether.

How can you help?

We've had lots of passionate and talented people reaching out to ask how they can help. Thank you! Here’s three ways you can support #femalefounders.

  • Join Gether

    Our exclusive beta program has now launched with a 30 day free trial and discounted Beta pricing. Say goodbye to family admin and hello to reduced mental load.

  • Participate in our Whitepaper

    There's a significant lack of accurate data about the mental load, and we're on a mission to change that. Help us create a white paper to better understand mums' mental load and raise awareness. Take our 5 minute survey.

  • Invest in our Vision

    We're actively seeking crowdfunding, angels and investors.

    With as little as $100, any mum can become a shareholder in our business and support this idea.

 Contact us

  • We’d love to hear from you, the best way to reach us is at hello@getherlife

  • To join Gether Beta click here.

  • Let’s chat! We’re happy to contribute to articles and interviews. We can also supply you with a press pack and answer any questions you may have on Mental Load, Working Parents, Gender Equality, Empowering mums in the workplace and AI enabled parenting.

    Reach us directly: claire@gether.life

Be part of something special