What’s your mental load

worth in 2025?

Find out with our potential income calculator below.

How do we calculate this?
Families receive an average of 17.5 communications about each child's activities per week (source). This is multiplied by the avg time it takes to read, schedule and manage each activity. Managing trips, holiday schedules and family celebrations adds an extra 100 hours per year.

What can you do about it?

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    Ease your load with technology, there’s no need to be manually entering calendar dates and to-do lists. We can help.

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    Talk to your partner or family and shift whole activities, including the management, to others so you can share the load.

    Try dropping activities and commitments that aren’t absolutely necessary or loved by your kids.

“The SMS reminders  - I LOVE that,
it’s such a relief.
I don’t want to let my daughter down by not being organised, don’t want her to feel like she’s the source of stress in my life.”

Kirstin Hunter

“Gether has literally changed our lives. Child raising got easier. Logistics conversations less fraught. I silenced the endless WhatsApp mum chats—and feel like a better parent. It’s a life changer.”

Jen Dobbie 💖

“I can’t tell you how much I needed this. I haven’t missed a beat or found myself panicking the night before an event.”

Jules Smith