
Gether is like having a really great personal assistant to organise your family life. It’s one central platform, powered by AI, that you, your partner and carers can access from any device - no need for downloads, or updates!

See what’s inside with our overview video below.

What you’ll get

  • Smart sorting

    Gether’s AI sorts through your emails and newsletters to pull out just the important events and tasks for your family.

    Got a child in year 6? We’ll only show you what’s relevant, so you won't get bogged down with year 1 events.

  • Auto scheduling

    We’ll schedule events and tasks directly onto your calendar and to-do list so you can say goodbye to manual calendar entry.

    Birthday party coming up? We’ll put it in thu calendar, remind you to RSVP and to buy a present.

  • Clever to-do's

    We’ll pick out and remind you of family admin tasks. Excursion coming up? We’ll remind you about the permission form and provide the link to respond.

    Party? We’ll remind you to get a present. Bill due? We’ll notify you of the due date and give you the payment details.

  • Daily reminders

    We’ll send you a quick SMS roundup every day to let you know of the events coming up and tasks due tomorrow. You can even customise the time it arrives.

    Never miss crazy sock day or a sports permission note again!

  • Calendar sync

    Connect your work or personal calendars with Gether to see all your family events in one place. Choose from one-way or two-way sync for flexibility.

    See our video below to learn more.

  • Google Maps

    We’ll auto-add the Google maps location and link to your events.

    Need directions? Just tap the link in your Gether event and Google Maps will show you the way.

How does it work?

Email ea@gether.life with any events or tasks you’d like to add, our AI will sort and schedule it for you. Send a list of regular activities, screenshot your kids sports draw, forward a birthday invitation or even your whole school newsletter.

Gether can read pretty much any file you send including:

You can even sync Gether with your existing personal or work calendar in Google and we have Apple integration coming very soon.

What’s inside

Your Personal Dashboard

Accessible from any mobile or laptop, this is mission control for everything family. The dash displays a snapshot of events, tasks and notes coming up.

Powerful Calendar Syncing

The Gether app has a full calendar displaying all of your family events, you can view, edit or delete any of these.

You can also view and edit your Gether events via your regular Google or Apple calendar - just turn on one-way (view only) or two way sync.

Daily roundups via SMS

One of our customer’s favourite features - each day you’ll get a txt of what’s happening tomorrow and any tasks due.

Sign up today

Beta Family Subscription


per month

One price for the whole family. That includes access for you, your partner, extended family and carers.

FREE 30 day trial,
no credit card needed.